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Cemetery: St Pauls Chuch, Kiambu


Longititude & Latitude

Long., Lat.: E 36° 50' 23.05", S 1° 10' 40.61"


County, Township, District: , Kiambu,
Country: Kenya


Notes: To reach the Church take the C64 Kiambu Road from the Muthaiga roundabout. Approx 6 to 7km along the road, just before entering Kiambu town is a turning on the right. The church is just 100 yards along on the right.

Other Notes: There are approximately 150 burials in this cemetery, The earliest date to be found is 1916. At the rear of the cemetery is a small area set aside for the burial of ashes.


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© Photographs by Bob Barnes 2006-2007

PUBLISHER ID#: 0417061546ke

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